Wednesday, January 9, 2008

the first update

Stephanie and I have now been in Grand Rapids for about five months and I have to say we're enjoying life here. We live in the East Hills neighborhood and have just about everything we need within walking distance, which is a dream come true. Stephanie is enjoying her job as a nurse at Spectrum's Meijer Heart Center, and I'm enjoying sitting around a lot and playing video games and reading (and subbing a couple days a week). This will all come to an abrupt end for me as I start my new job teaching Spanish at a small Christian High School on January 28. It's only part time so I'm praying about other options to fill in the cracks. It would be nice to find some work painting, but I'm really looking for opportunities in the non-profit realm, or maybe I'll finally try my hand as a barista. We hope to buy a house this summer, although my semi-employment hasn't helped that cause much. We also got a puppy in September, and that has been a lot of fun, as well as a lot of work. Her name is Lola. That's it for now. More news, preachy rants, and curiosities to come!


Matt said...

good to see you back in blogging fashion

Unknown said...

I guess you can call me confused. You say you are set to begin as a Spanish teacher, yet your profile says you are a Bum by trade... look forward to reading up on everything Nate in the future..