Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Dear Internet, I'm back!

It's been years since I last blogged (except for teaching related stuff), and maybe it'll be another year after this post. I am, however, going to give it another shot. I deleted my last blog because I was sick of knowing that anyone (my students for example) could read what I was thinking about, and even non-personal stuff seemed like something I'd rather have just my friends read. A little break from the teaching world may have something to do with my return to this blog, but I'll resume teaching again in just a couple weeks and I hope it won't scare me away from blogging again. I think I've overcome my fears. Another reason I'm back is that I checked my bloglines page yesterday for the first time in months and realized what a wonderful world I've been missing out on: Updates from friends, musings from pastors, alternative news, etc. My blog will most likely fall into the update category. In fact, I have a lovely update planned for . . . tomorrow!
Still, some things will be different this time around:
-I'm committed to making a better blog, with more doodads and knickknacks. We'll see if I can learn how.
-I'll probably be a little less personal than I was before, knowing that past and present students are always lurking around the corner in this series of tubes known as "the internet". This will be hard for me, as my friends probably know. I'm a very open person and tend to unload when given the chance. Maybe I'll hire a censor, or more likely I'll just use my wife.

But anyway, I'm back.

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