Wednesday, March 26, 2008

rest deprived

Lately I've been feeling exhausted. I've always been someone who likes to get a good solid 8 hours of sleep every night, and getting 6 to 7 hours instead may have something to do with that. I often get home from the bakery at 10:30 pm and get right back up at 5:30 am to get myself on the bus to school. Still, a lack of sleep is not the problem. I think what I'm really dealing with is a lack of rest. We all need rest, and by that I mean we all need to take time to do those things which rejuvenate us. That's my real problem. I've lamented my lack of progress on my latest video game projects since I started the second job. But lately, even sitting down to kill bad guys hasn't filled the tank like I thought it would. What I think I need is more time to be still, more time to pray and listen, more time to read my Bible and other good books, observe sabbath, and more quality time with my wife.

1 comment:

Dustin DeKoekkoek said...

We could all use more time for those things, thanks for the reminder.