Sunday, July 26, 2009

summer update: fatherhood

Wow! Summer is flying by and I haven't blogged in ages. My wife started a blog for Caleb, and you can find it here. She was planning to update it once a week, but so far has only blogged the first couple. So, that has fallen by the wayside and I doubt it will be picked up anytime soon - but it does have some good info about the little munchkin.
Caleb is growing well, and staying fairly healthy (a minor encounter with a mouth fungus called thrush last week has been our only problem). I didn't know this was possible, but it feels like we are loving him more and more as he becomes someone who we can actually know as a person. As much as he is changing, it's crazy to see myself changing and growing too. I find myself learning to be less selfish, and I'm definitely more aware of what I do and say. All good things! Being a dad is great so far.
Recent developments:
- hand sucking - lots of it. He can't get enough of his own fingers (but not his thumb yet)
- smiles galore! It's pretty easy to get him to smile at this point, and we like that.
- sleeping through the night, and by through the night I mean 8-12 hours without waking us up. Yep, pretty great!
- finding ways to entertain himself - toys, t.v., dad playing guitar, the dog are all becoming fascinating things to watch.

As for the future, we had a day care trial today for 6 hrs, and we went out for a nice relaxing breakfast and an early movie. It was pretty hard, but we hear it gets easier. We are blessed to have found a great day care in the home of a wonderful Christian woman. Three of my co-workers at school highly recommend her and send their kids to her as well, which is also a bonus because we know they are great families with great kids. Steph will be working two twelve hr. shifts a week at the hospital starting this Wednesday. Technically I could watch him for the rest of the summer for 2 days a week, but I'm also trying to get our house painted before I have to start working again and it's taking forever (next post will be paint related). So I'll be taking him all by myself one day a week. Can I be trusted!? Of course :) School related stuff starts in about a month and during the school year he'll be going to day care 1 or 2 days a week depending on Steph's schedule. I'm not exactly looking forward to mixing the frantic life of a teacher with my parenting, but hey a guy should probably work I suppose. Oh yeah, and I actually like teaching too :) That's all for now.


Burkulater said...

Yay for Caleb's blog!

I'm so glad he's sleeping through the night already. I cannot tell you the difference it makes. Elise isn't even sleeping all the way through yet!

Matt De Kam said...

Nice to hear the news Nate. He still looks like a vanderzee to me (sort of like your dad).