Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I'm still alive

The idea of blogging has been really intimidating over the past few months because It usually takes a lot of time (time that I have, but just don't want to spend). So I'll keep this update very short so that I might be less inclined to be intimidated in the future.
I'm teaching, loving it, but sometimes being stressed. I'm still playing Xbox - beat Mass Effect twice, gave up on Assassin's Creed after it lost my data twice, beat Fable II, and I'm now playing the game responsible for the downfall of Western Civilization - you guessed it GTA IV. I resisted for so long, but after it got game of the year and I saw it for 17 bucks I caved, and I'm glad I did.
Stephanie is still pregnant, and it shows :) We're having a boy and want to name him Caleb. As far as middle names go, we disagree, so we'll see. If all goes according to plan he'll come screaming (or maybe not) into our lives in about 2 months. We are very excited!
Next year's job prospects are iffy for me, but God will provide. He is good.
That's all for now.


K-Dogg said...

i think Kevin would be a good choice for middle name.

Burkulater said...

I think Caleb Kevin is not a good combo.

Extrepi was the word verification. Maybe you should use that.