Friday, April 18, 2008

Does your pastor love America as much as you?

First off, credit for this title goes to some random blog I ran across here. Last week Wednesday (April 16) I watched parts of the debate between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and I was pretty disgusted by the moderators' questions. At least half an hour was dedicated to tabloid garbage like verbal gaffs and sketchy associations that we've already seen pulled through the mud for the last several weeks. This could be because America loves this stuff and wants to see these candidates asked the "hard questions" (stupid questions if you ask me). Another theory, which seems just as likely, is that with so many debates between these two we've kind of run out of things to talk about. Several months ago these candidates as well as the American people were having trouble telling much of a difference between the two democratic senators. Now we've had several debates that attempt to draw lines of distinction between the two, with some success, but mostly a whole lot of irrelevant nonsense.
The most ridiculous question I heard asked was one asked to Senator Obama - "Do you think Rev. Jeremiah Wright loves America as much as you do?" First off, who knows and who can judge? Second, who cares?! Ahh, politics. Gotta love it.

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